Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama Zombies for Change - Dawn of the Democrats

Dawn of the Democrats! A horrible infection sweeping the nation turning Americans into Zombies. Signs that you have been bitten:

1. Inability to think clearly followed by a repetion in words like "Change" or "Hope".

2. Tingling up your extremities.

3. Fainting and crying.

4. Refusual to ask tough questions.

5. Blind rage at non-zombies.

6. Pushing a zombie agenda while pretending to be a journalist.

7. Feeding off people who work hard.

8. Brain activity at zero will make you think you are a good actor.

Cure: Depending on the stages of zombification a cure might not be possible. If you have just started to have symptoms of a zombie bite there is still a chance you can be saved.

Turn off MSNBC, stop your subscription to the New York Times and tell the Daily Kos to shove it.

Think about the things that are important to you. Are you ok with being lied to as long as the lies make you feel good? If so then vote zombie. If you would rather deal with reality (good or bad) and have those who fight Zombies then vote McCain/Palin 08'!!!

Known Zombies: Chris Matthews, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney, William Ayers, Campbell Brown, Bill Clinton, Scarlett Johansson, Barbara Walters, Joy Behar, Louis Farrakhan, Bill Maher, Colin Powell, John Murtha, Keith Olbermann, Jennifer Aniston, Rev. Wright, Hillary Clinton, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Al Gore, Katie Couric, ACORN, Weather Underground, CNN, MSNBC, BBC, New York Times, DailyKos, Muslims, Democrats and thousands of others.