Sunday, November 2, 2008


"Yes, if you're African-American and you want to vote for Obama, I think you're insane. He's not the one we've been waiting for. Colin Powell would have been the one...or Martin Luther King, Jr. Not some guy out of Chicago with his corrupt and criminal friends that talks alot of the talk and won't be able to deliver half the stuff he promises. If you think so, you have been fooled by the Obama political machine. Period.

"There are hundreds of thousands of African-Americans against Obama. Martin Luther King Jr wanted America to get to the point where we judged people by the content of their character. We are at that point, and unfortunately looking at Obama's judgements over the years, it shows that he lacks the character. He is NOT the African-American President America has been waiting for. Martin Luther King would have wanted us to do what we right for our country. He loved our country very much and believed in it.

"The Obama Biden ticket is not ready to lead America. Obama's character has shown that he is friends with a terrorist (William Ayers), entered in a shady land deal with felon Tony Rezko, voted over 130 times 'present' in the Illinois State Senate, is not pro-life, would weaken America, and the list goes on.

"'Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.'

-Martin Luther King, Jr."

Well said.